[Screened to Lacroix]

Mar 11, 2011 01:26

Such carelessness. It appears to be the work of an inexperienced mage, skittish and uncertain, too young and reckless to bother burying the corpses after leeching what energy he could from the finches. Though from the fact that some still survived, perhaps he was interrupted before he was allowed to finish ( Read more... )

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lacroix_styles March 11 2011, 07:38:32 UTC
...why would you want to murder a bunch of little birds?
More importantly, why would I?

I can promise I won't be off'ing any tiny animals, yeah.

Black Death, that sounds like a riot; you're the guy that pops the balloon animals at parties, huh? -snerk-
But, nah, whatever, like I have anything else to do on a Friday night right now.
Better not be as lame as that Season of the Witch movie though.

Hey, I know what that is! That's the town thing where everybody got like...buried by a volcano, wasn't it? I sort of remember that from history class or something. Maybe it was from the Discovery channel, no idea.


hector_styles March 11 2011, 07:54:31 UTC
Because it is an easy way to obtain Mana, which is the energy used to cast spells. Certainly not the only way, of course. If, at this time, you are uncomfortable with killing en masse, I will be forced to teach you other ways. However, I do expect you to open up to the idea in time.

It looks quite fascinating. A feast for the eyes, if nothing else.

You are correct. The preservation of the corpses is quite exquisite. I would enjoy a chance to view the specimens on a closer level as well.


lacroix_styles March 11 2011, 07:58:53 UTC
So says the man who is afraid to learn to use the microwave.
It's easier to learn to use the microwave than to become a murderer. You go first.

It's all very gray-toned and bloody. I'm learning things about you Hector, oh yes.

You want to prod at the corpses...creepy, no surprise though. And possibly bound to get us arrested, can we avoid that? I don't have the scary glare like you do; jail = bad.
Plus wouldn't they like..fall apart if you messed with them?


hector_styles March 11 2011, 08:10:11 UTC
Why precisely would I want to use a device that makes food tough and slimy? Life is far too fleeting to use such base technology. I do hope you'll develop some standards during your time with me.

How precisely would we be caught when the surveillance cameras are "malfunctioning?" And as for security - well, it's quite convenient that you are here, isn't it? I don't suppose you've ever played decoy before?

If something falls apart, I can simply put it back together, providing I have all the pieces.


lacroix_styles March 11 2011, 08:19:17 UTC
Not if you use it right, I will teach you these things. Besides, some food is supposed to be slimy, even expensive food; don't tell me some of that high-class stuff isn't all slimy and gross.
You're going to mock frozen pizza when people eat snails, seriously?

It's peer pressure like in high school all over again, man.
Okay when I get arrested you had better bail me out or life is going to be very unpleasaaaant.

Put it back together. Should that surprise me? No. I've seen the dining room after all.


hector_styles March 11 2011, 08:31:08 UTC
Why precisely would you want frozen pizza? Fresh ingredients do make a world of difference. Quality trumps convenience.

Oh, you certainly have my word. I wouldn't dream of forcing you behind bars.

I'm quite fond of the dining room. Is it not to your liking?


lacroix_styles March 11 2011, 08:43:40 UTC
Because sometimes the sheer amount of gross is the reason why food is good, and it's bad for you; that makes anything taste better. I do happen to know how to cook though.

..I can't tell if that's sarcastic or not.
Pretty much like I can't tell yet in person either, clearly I need to study you more.

It's very Devil's Rejects or Hellraiser. Like living in one big horror movie. But it's fine, I just have to remind myself not to walk in there with the lights turned off or it freaks me out.
How does it not have something like this in there?

Makes me wonder if you sleep in a coffin in your room, wherever that is around here.


hector_styles March 11 2011, 08:49:03 UTC
Oh? And what precisely do you know how to cook?

If you put this level of interest into the rest of your studies, I will be quite pleased.

Orange lighting screams of childhood Halloweens, don't you think? My dining room speaks more of adult fears than fake bats on a chandelier do.

No, I certainly don't sleep in a coffin. If you are that interested, perhaps I can show you my bedroom at some point. Just not at the moment.


lacroix_styles March 11 2011, 09:01:48 UTC
Lots of things, I lived in a hotel in Vegas for years and had a lot of random jobs in restaurants around the area since I was, yanno, not old enough to bartend or anything like that.
But they don't care if you're a kid working in the kitchen, they just lie and say you're there with somebody there if inspectors come around.

Yeah, I know, I'm not supposed to talk about all of that past stuff, but you asked.

What's wrong with Halloween? It's fun! And like I said; Hellraiser, minus the leather and bondage undertones.

You make me wait for everythiiing! Why? What do you hide in there, huh? Now I'm curious! The suspense may kill me!


hector_styles March 11 2011, 09:08:02 UTC
Perhaps you can prepare a sample menu on any given night so that I may gauge your abilities.

You aren't required to forget your past. But you must accept that you have risen above it.

My, my, someone is impatient. Perhaps I have skeletons in my closet.


lacroix_styles March 11 2011, 09:13:12 UTC
You made fun of my pizza! You'll have to ask really nicely now. X)

How can you have all that ego without having...an ego? It's very confusing for us less than stoic types.

You have skeletons in the dining room, ones in the closet wouldn't surprise me in the least. Might freak me out a little at first though, I need to develop more of a tolerance for weird around this place.


hector_styles March 11 2011, 09:23:03 UTC
I spoke less than fondly of your frozen pizza. Should you prepare something with fresh ingredients, I will be much more likely to enjoy it.

Once you learn more and your confidence grows, you too will understand that most humans are now inferior to you.

You are a death mage. It would be wildly irregular for you not to embrace it sooner or later. Preferably sooner.


lacroix_styles March 11 2011, 09:43:25 UTC
What sort of guy doesn't eat frozen pizza? Don't answer that.
There's nothing in this place to cook, just oddly excess amounts of alcohol in fancy bottles.

I'm not interested in feeling superior. XD

Maybe I really am a freak. That whole...mage stuff hasn't ever done anything for me other than screw my life up, I'm probably a little biased.


hector_styles March 11 2011, 11:04:27 UTC
I'm afraid I rarely eat here; it's far easier to allow an experienced chef to cook my meals for me. However, if I now have an experienced chef in my home, perhaps I won't be as inclined to dine out so often.

It will embarrass me if you degrade yourself in public by putting yourself at the same level as the common man. If not for you, then at least put on a facade of superiority for my comfort.

You simply have yet to find a way to focus your potential. With time and experience, you will be able to control your power with more ease. Did you see the device I left outside your room? Take it and concentrate on it tonight, contemplate its workings. Take it apart if you must. And in the morning, I want you to tell me what you think its function is. This will be your first assignment.


lacroix_styles March 12 2011, 13:32:07 UTC
That's one of those rich guy answers; 'I could do it, but I'll get somebody else to do it instead'.
But, hey, I do want something to do around here besides the whole grim and doom lot of everything.
And since you apparently are never going to let me leave the damn place I should get really amazingly awesome at cooking. Meh.

Wow, that's...going to be interesting to attempt; I'm more the..background type.

I tripped over that thing! I thought it was a really weird mouse trap. Or an ugly doorstop.
It's not going to blow up if I mess with it, right? And I can totally take it apart and probably break it...if you insist.


hector_styles March 12 2011, 20:57:12 UTC
Your studies should be your primary focus. Cooking in your free time, of course, is certainly allowed.
I invited you to a film and a museum exhibit in this very post. How precisely is that not allowing you to leave?

It won't harm you to take it apart, no. Eventually you will be able to discern the workings of every device with moving parts. While truly your focus will be death, death and matter go hand in hand - for what is left behind when a person dies except the wealth of objects that he had accumulated in life?


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