Jul 15, 2005 13:46
Wow, God is working up here in HoneyRock. It's truly amazing. For a month, being in class, I saw countless mistakes made by other people in my program while counseling. Regardless of all the good things that happened, I didnt' want to counsel because everyone hated it. Now, I have 6 girls under my care and my assistant counselor's care and I love each and everyone of them. It's res. camp of only 7-9th so we got some ho's and we got some pimps...but my girls, simply amazing...one from a completely broken home and completely lost a sense of self, one whos mom has lung cancer and is eating from a tube, a cute little asian fire ball, one latino gorgeous kind woman, 2 blondies who are shy but laugh harder than I do when they allow themselves to be silly. I love them, they are mine and they eat up everything I say (thankfully I don't say anything too...crase) but they just really are absorbing up every word. I have to give them bible studies everyday and they are so full of questions and are slowly committing to understanding how much God loves them. These girls are AWESOME. We are going on a 4 day 3 night camping trip from Sun-Wed and it's going to be insane. We are hiking half and then switching w/ another group to canoe the last half. WOWZERS, I love it. Anyway, it's my day off, I'm exhausted, I plan on taking just about the longest nap of my life :). 9th graders have WAY too many horomones. If I hear one more "you know that dude? well he is super hot"...unfortunately, I was like that at that age...sad to admit it. I will be home this weekend kiddies for a wedding 24-26 and since I can't post of here I just want to say:
Sunday, 17th of July= 7 months
I miss that kid so much. I can't call him anymore everyday and that makes it so hard especially when I'm lonely. You can't really unload your loneliness on girls that view you as your role model. It's a struggle for sure and I can't wait for the next 3 weeks to end until I see him again. He came up here and it was...simply breathtaking. I now can verify, my life was made to be spent with him. He is who makes me the happiest and without a doubt is the one who could tear me apart the easiest. Those combinations are lethal but that is love. I embrace it and love it. I love you Adam
Have a great weekend and next week one full of sun!
*Big kiss n' hug for you Diego*