but I AM DONE WITH YEAR 3 SEM I! Last paper was aviation, probably the only useful module for my career. Post-exams day 1 was rather anti-climatic coz I had JLPT mock exam at night, about 4 hours after the paper. My brain was already fried by that time and I nearly dozed off while reading the comprehension passages and during the last few picture-less listening comprehension. So now I'm left with the actual JLPT exam on Sunday.
Here is Captain clapping for everyone who's done with exams!
Lots of things to do this hols! Need to catch up on movies/dramas, pamper my body and basically not use my brain for a while. No holiday planned though =(
Anyway! Because I've just learnt to make moving pictures gifs, this is something stupid I did coz TakuGoro is love and the contrast in their energy/clapping level was so stark that I just HAD to do this. Plus Goro's suspicious line of sight made it easy to caption this moment lol
In other news, RIP dear Susan. You will be missed.