(no subject)

Jul 13, 2005 21:43

bored bored bored out of my damn mind.

i really should have found a job this summer. i should have just gave in and done another summer of retail or restaurants and then started an office job next summer. stupid hellia.

and the thing is, i do cool stuff at nights, its just the days that drag ON and ON and ON. thank god josh can always think of something cool to do, otherwise i'd die of boredom. i went to kings dominion the other day which was awesome despite the heat advisory, josh and brian forced me onto every roller coaster there. but after the first few it wasnt that bad anymore. except for that hyper coaster shit which banged my head in every direction possible... i think i have a brain hemhorage. and also they made me go on dropzone, which is that ride that takes you 300 feet into the air and then just drops you........ i was screaming before they even strapped me into the seat.

and i went to ocean city, new jersey and philly for Live 8 like two weekends ago which was awesome too.... philly was dirty and the subway stations smelled like piss but the concert was cool, and EXTREMELY packed. jersey shore was awesome we had perfect weather the whole time and lots of fun... highlights include playing in the ice cold beach with megan, football in the pool (i scored the winning touchdown!), and giving the boardwalk fry people alcohol in exchange for an inhumane amount of boardwalk fries.


1. go to http://www.google.com
2. type in the word "failure"
3. click the first search result.
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