Jul 20, 2012 21:00
So, I went full-time at work this week. Yay, right? FUCK. MY. LIFE. Seriously. The WEIRDEST shit kept happening ALL WEEK LONG.
So far, the kicker was the computers completely crashing. At five o'clock. On Friday. This resulted in A: general panic. B: more focused panic. And C: PANIC IN PANICTOWN
Also, I am apparently the only person in my branch who knows how to figure out a cash deposit without relying on a computer to tell me what the deposit should be. Seriously. It's not that hard. You start the day with X amount of money. You end the day with Y amount of money. Add up all the cash in the drawer to get the value of Y. Subtract X from Y and VOILA! There's your cash deposit.
Not only was I the only one to think of doing that, I had to close two of the three drawers myself, because the coworker trying to close drawer #2 COULDN'T HANDLE IT. SERIOUSLY. WHAT IS THIS EVEN??
And tomorrow I get to go in again. Hopefully the computers will be working by then so I can get the reports needed to verify that my method was accurate. And that we had the right amounts of money. And OMG I am praying for a slow Saturday so I am not fucked 1344411 different ways Monday morning while trying to prep the deposits from both today AND tomorrow in NOT ENOUGH FUCKING TIME. Of course, the way this week's been going, my money is on the next closest branch's DMV going down & them sending ALL OF THE MEMBERS to us. And then our DMV will go down. And there will be a massive earthquake. And California will break off from the rest of the United States to go hang with Hawaii.
Alaska can come too. The End.