dear friends and internet

Dec 19, 2010 10:17


i am taking the advice of several people who are beautifully minded and visually attractive.
the latter did not sway me, but i'll say it didn't hurt my final mental vote.

a ms. esther told me i should start using livejounrnal again.
a ms. neesi told me at four in the morning that i should go back to writing anything.
things have a large impact at four in the morning.

so i feel like i should be self-reflective, but then i feel like if i were reflective i'd be really annoying to the eyes on sunny days. but then, writing anything could be a handy procrastination tool, and you can never have too many tools. really really.

i may or may not use this old dust-covered thing (as much as the internet can become dust-ridden)
and my secret ulterior motive is that i will then actually read my friends page, which i really honestly havn't since i stopped using my journal.
so...................... i watchin' you. ^_^

now that that explanation is done, what should i say?
i'm older and wiser and still the same but better, i think. gettin' better all the time.
and if you forgot me, i'd understand, and i'll refresh your memory if you're slightly intrigued by quoting the most wonderful man among so much unman, mr. axel:

"this is akiko. she's good people. but crazy."
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