grrrr i have that thing where you like cant see b/c theres like a patch of white or something.

Feb 13, 2005 13:49

h lol i like can't seeeeee
like when you look at the sun for too long?
except i wasnt lookijng at the sun so idk haha im prob. going b;ind actually thats not funny ummm yeah i havent updatyed since like wendesday but nothing really happened except WE SAW SEBASTIANO
sweatervest=love hehh heh
and i made 45 dollars babysitting and im about to go babysiot again in like 5 mins.
i got a new hairdye thing but idk if itll look good so im testing it on a little strand b/c it kind of looks purplish but idk what its gonna look like in real life
hummm crew sucked today we ran and then did a30 min piece and hte novi did a 2k.
haha fuckin' christine already beat my best time on her first 2k
im gonna beat her time at the ergatta i decided
woah i really think im going blind no joke.

pc hookas
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