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Sep 11, 2010 21:12

Player Information
Name: Tani
Timezone: Central Standard Time (CST/GMT -6)
Personal Journal: deviator
Players Contact/AIM/MSN/YAHOO: AIM; byelorussiya/MSN; byelorussia@live.com
Email Address: tani.chan@yahoo.com, red.deviator@gmail.com

Character Information
Name: Antonio Fernández Carriedo (aka Spain)
Canon Origin/Series: Axis Powers Hetalia
Teaching Position and why it suits them: Care of Magical Creatures! Antonio likes taking care of children, and that seems to pretty easily translate to animals as well. He likes the outdoors and the idea of many strange wonderful things that are still left to discover (oh, how the unknown fascinates him), not to mention he's good with his hands. Generally, the whole class would interest him and also be something he'd be comfortable teaching. He'd be happy as a professor or just a teacher's aide~
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Out of school living location: Just outside of Buñol, Spain. HUGE traditional Spanish villa that their family has had forever. Yup. Tends to visit Valencia a lot though.
Blood status: Pureblood and DAMN PROUD OF IT - or well, at least he was pretty damn proud of it when he was younger. Nowadays he's much more chill about it and gets long cheerfully with people of all wizard heritage.

Personality: Antonio is basically the representation of the most cheerful aspects of his country - sun, light, passion, and an optimistic attitude that seemingly cannot be beat. He's as bright as the gold he covets and seems pretty much an all around optimistic and cheerful guy, even if he seems to have horrible luck on the other end of it. For the most part happy and rather easy to please - sun, warmth, and a good plate of food with some company will make him very content. He's a people person and loves to have friends and family all around him, and running around in a group is his idea of a good time. He puts his passion into almost everything he does, even if that tends to make things a little overdone in the end - or at least sometimes makes his magic a bit more potent than he intended. He also loves to romp around in the outdoors, either taking care of plants or just spending his time in it. He also seems to love children quite a bit (not in that way though, you pervs).

On top of everything, Antonio's thick. Thick as a brick wall and dense as it, too. He's not stupid, but getting him to notice what's really going on is like trying to put the square block into the round hole - it doesn't really work. He tends to seem to assume the best, which is probably why he tends to be very easily duped. He's extremely gullible if he thinks it'll work out in his or his friends' favours, which tends to play out badly for him in the end. (It's because he thinks they're meaning well, not the other way around!) Don't think you can pull just anything under his eyes, but for the most part he won't notice or care, one of the two. He'll fiercely protect you if he cares about you, but his interest will wane easily if given the chance. (Again: a bit a space case all around.)

While Antonio's mostly rather easily pleased, he's also apparently rather easily exasperated and strict when it comes down to it. He got angered easily at Lovino's constant antics when they were younger, often snapping at him (even if he regretted it later). He was cruel and a huge bully in his youth, but he's since mellowed out and finally matured a little, even if he's still as airheaded and dense as ever. (He was that guy you thought would totally end up as a Death Eater and then turned into someone completely different. Go figure.) Unless you get on his bad side, he'll treat you like a good friend and good company. If you are on his bad side, expect a lot of nasty comments and a good kneeing kick to the shins. He's also got a bit of a greedy side that he mostly keeps hidden, but it'll show at inopportune moments - namely over things he finds "cute." (Not to mention gold is damn pretty to him.)

tl;dr - He's a happy idiot who can still be a bit of a jerk when it comes down to it.

Canon Background: Spanish history itself has quite a bit of twists and turns to it - and Spain himself seems to have a few at least in the comic. While not a main character, he has a decent amount of appearances in the comic, even if large parts of his history (read: most of his colonies and the history there of) are left out. He's called the most optimistic of the cast, even though he seems to have rather horrible luck at times - or just very poor choice in his friends.

Spain is mostly seen when he's younger, mostly when he was in control of Southern Italy (aka Italia Romano). He loses most of his money trying to keep Southern Italy under his rule, and seems to actually baby him in comparison to his other subordinates. Even so, he had a hell of a time dealing with him, often yelling at the kid and getting very frustrated at his antics. But, he seems to grow to love the kid and has a soft spot for the Italy brothers in particular. He's also shown in control of Belgium and the Netherlands at the same time - Belgium seems to be a sort of sassy big sis to Romano, while the Netherlands doesn't seem to be happy with his situation under Spain's rule at all. (Which, really, is decently historically correct for once.)

He was linked to Austria by marriage in the Hapsburg Union, although it didn't seem to exactly be the best for him - he's seen sulking as France and Austria fight, telling Italy to go have fun while he still can. He was also on the side of Prussia and France in the Austrian War of Succession - mostly due to the fact that France was pretty much in control of his kingdom at the time. He shares a bit of a strange friendship with France, which doesn't always seem to work out in his favour. (He also tends to get molested and duped continuously by him.)

Spain's Invincible Armada and its eventual downfall by the hands of England is briefly touched on - showing him being captured and shut away by a rather malicious England and moping on his bad luck. The two seem to share a large amount of animosity because of this, with Spain still rather angry at England many years later (which makes perfect sense with their politics even now, honestly).

During WWII, Spain is broke (as in no money at all) and rather beaten down after his Civil War, and has to deal with a rather pushy (and pissy, literately) Romano who wants him to join Italy's side of the war. He apparently makes paper flowers to try to get his money back and grumbles about all his lost money and glory. He seems completely out of money until his accepts the Euro much later on, and seems to finally regain his cheerfulness and stamina.

He's also in a good handful of gag strips, although those don't really weigh on his history as a character or a country, really...


Background (AU!Canon; HP): dirty!! Antonio Fernández Carriedo was born to a happy and rather affluent Spanish wizarding family, just outside of the sleepy town of Buñol. His family once held a lot of power - spanning along with the growth of the old Spanish empire to the New World, and across the sea, boasting strength that even Britain's greatest could not hold. Sadly, along with the decline of the Spanish Empire, his family's power and wealth began to fade (especially at the hands of a particular English family that they still hold a bit of a rivalry with). After the Spanish Civil War, his family was forced further into hiding, most moving to England to escape the possible purges of Franco's rule. After Franco's death, many started to move back, including his parents. While his parents were laid back and rather content with their lot, the rest of his family clung fiercely to the old glory of their past - which rubbed off on Antonio at an early age.

The early days of his childhood were spent romping around his hometown, growing tomatoes, and generally being a normal kid. He grew up believing wholeheartedly in the words of his family and that he was to be the next one to bring glory back to their family's name. His cousin - who lived in Portugal - shared the same view at that age, and the two often had fights, one trying to best the other whenever they would meet. Antonio's aunts and uncles believed fiercely in the status of their blood - anyone who was not a pureblood did not deserve to be a wizard, and those that weren't didn't deserve decent treatment. Antonio clung onto this idea, often being a bully to other boys in his neighborhood because of it.

At the age of ten, his parents moved to England, figuring the separation from the rest of the family would do their highly-impressionable son some good. Antonio didn't exactly like the change - he was in the land of his family's old rival after all! - but he tried his best to stay happy, like his parents wanted.

Perhaps due to their move, Antonio was accepted into Hogwarts, rather than one of the Spanish schools their family traditionally went to. His parents liked the idea though, and encouraged him as he began his schooling. Unfortunately, Antonio's tendency to be a bully followed him, and he was horrible to half-bloods and muggle-borns - just like his family taught him.

His reputation for being a troll got him grouped together with two other children, also from out of the country - Gilbert Beilschmidt and Francis Bonnefoy. They became rather fast friends, often pulling pranks and causing trouble all over the school together. (The teachers even called them "the Bad Friends Trio" after all the annoying antics they caused.) Antonio was the more cheerful of the trio, but was often the most cruel - oftentimes more sadistic in his pranks than the other two. Even though he was sunny and spacey, he was cruel to anyone he didn't like.

Nothing seemed able to spilt them apart - or at least that seemed to be true until Gilbert was transferred to Durmstrang in their fourth year, leaving the other two alone in Hogwarts. The loss of his good friend changed Antonio drastically, although it was a rather gradual change. While they kept in touch over letters, it wasn't quite the same without the third part of their trio. The loss of Gilbert's rambunctiousness seemingly quieted the other two, and their reign of pranks slowly declined over their last three years. Antonio stayed very close friends with Francis though - although he never seemed to notice the other boy's groping and other advances.

During his second year, his parents decided to move back to Spain, although Antonio stayed in Hogwarts, except during break. It was during this time that his family took in a small gaggle of halfblooded children - namely two Dutch children, and one Italian. His parents were friends with their families, and Antonio was slated as a sort of babysitter for them, much to his displeasure. He still clung onto his status as a pureblood, but with time, the children quickly won over his heart. Even after they moved away, Antonio tried his best to keep in touch with them - the Dutch girl becoming like a younger sister to him, and the others having a special place in his heart (minus the Dutch boy, whom he never got along with anyway). Growing up with the children changed Antonio's views on the status of blood over time, and he quickly changed his stance on it as he matured.

The Italian - a Lovino Vargas - gave him the most trouble, often kicking and fighting with Antonio, especially over his chores. Antonio wished they had taken in Lovino's younger brother at first, but he grew to have a soft spot for the boy as they grew. That soft spot grew deeper as Antonio himself began to mellow, but he often ignored it, just happy to spend time with Lovino even as the boy moved back home.

Antonio wasn't a star student, but wasn't horrible either. He did well in most of his classes, although he usually presented a bit too much force behind his magic, sometimes overdoing his spells. He enjoyed Care of Magical Creatures - the chance to be outdoors and the cute animals were interesting to him - and Herbology - often trying to grow tomatoes in the greenhouses, much to the annoyance of his teachers.

At the end of their seventh year, Antonio was much different. He was still cheerful and as dense as ever, but his bullying streak was gone and he left Hogwarts a very different man. It didn't take long for him to wander back to the school though, looking for a job and an excuse to be near his old friends and "charges," who were now attending the school. (Of course, that old reputation of his followed him - even though no one would believe the cheerful Professor Fernández could ever be that cruel!) diana!!

Sample Journal Entry: Wow, it's been a while since I've used one of these! I figured a new one would be good since the old one is full of my old stuff and old things and you know a new start is always good and I always say that staring over fresh is a good way to begin!! (Oops, got away from myself there.)

Anyway, today was very very interesting! The new animals they got were so so cute, I can't help but want to cuddle them all! Even the big ones that the little kids (so cute) were afraid of were lovely for me today~ I'm excited to play with all the new creatures here! Mamá and Papá had never liked me running around in the dirt, but now that I get money for it they're quite pleased!! Always a way around these things, I always say! (The rest of the family isn't so happy, but that's okay! I'm with my old friends here, and that's good~)

Anyway, where was I going with this? Hmmm, I forget but that's okay!!!! I'm not too happy being back in England forever but that's okay since I'll get good money and good pay and be back in my good old school! And Spain is just a hop and a skip away across that lovely lovely sea so I'll never be too far from home!

I hope I do a good job as a teacher here!!!

Sample Interaction Post in Third Person: Antonio hummed cheerfully to himself as he wandered the halls of Hogwarts, excited about his first class. It had been a while since he had wandered these old halls himself, and the old memories floated carelessly in his mind as he continued on his way. It took him a few detours and getting lost more than he cared to remember (since when had that door opened that way? and since when had that wall ceased to exist? oh, how this place had changed!), but he finally arrived, bursting open the door with a bang.

Ignoring the jump from his students (and the fact that he was almost ten minutes late), he bustled up to his desk, a broad grin stretched across his face. "¡Hola! I am your new Care of Magical Creatures teacher!" Antonio said, his Spanish accent still very obvious and thick in his voice. "You can call me Maestro- ah, Professor Fernández!" He wrote his name in a flurry on the chalkboard behind him, turning back to the students with a bounce in his step.

"Now, if you will all open your books, we will start with-" he paused as he flipped the books open, his face falling as he realized the rather boring nature of the first lesson. "-flobberworms." He frowned, unhappily distributing the boring animal to the kids, giving them a quick lesson how to feed them and then sulking at his desk as the lesson drudged on. He forgot how boring so many of the early lessons were! He would really have to appeal again to move the class outside. Bothering the groundskeeper be damned, this was far too boring-!

As his mind wandered and he daydreamed about an outdoors class with much more exciting animals, he drifted off into a quick nap. This was going to be one long school year...

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