Goodbye, old friend

Nov 29, 2009 09:53

Rocky died yesterday. He had been pretty sick back in February, but pulled through. Had some ups and downs, and finally yesterday morning we could tell he was nearly ready to go. He'd seemed fine just a few days ago, but suddenly stopped eating or drinking. He died in my arms--better, I think, than trying to rush to the vet when there was nothing to be done.

He was the best little rabbit ever. Sweet, gentle, always playful and could give kisses for hours. He lived a good life--wild childhood; found a mate late in life, though he outlived her; had plenty of carrots and cuddles and romps in the yard. He was a real trooper, putting up with vet visits and a fair amount of mouth pain and still staying happy. Eleven and a half years, though--that's a darn good run for a rabbit. We couldn't have asked for him to stay longer.

We buried him under the vegetable garden. If there is a heaven, I'm picturing him there, nose twitching, hopping off across the grass with a mouth full of parsley. And if reincarnation's the way it goes, I hope his next trip round the karmic wheel will give him a life even better than this one. Either way, maybe we'll meet again.

Till then, he'll be helping our tomatoes grow.

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