Dream interpretation game

Aug 13, 2009 08:47

So, I had this dream last night. Who wants to help me interpret it?

My mother and I have just moved into an apartment together, in the Big City. Chicago, I suppose, but it was on "Mexican Blvd." and the apartment is on the 20-somethingth floor of this huge multi-use high rise. As the dream starts, we're unpacking our stuff. The apartment is pretty big, with two bedrooms but for some reason three bathrooms. There's a bunch of boxes everywhere, and I quickly start getting ticked off at my mom for putting my shit in the wrong places. Like, she had unpacked my yarn and just thrown it all into these big cargo nets hanging from the ceiling. You know, the ones kids keep stuffed animals in?

Anyway, I'm pissed off so I go to check out the building. It's got complicated elevators which only go to certain banks of floors, so I look like a fool because I haven't figured that out yet. I meet a couple people on the elevator and they seem nice. I head down to the lower floors, which have a bunch of shops, offices, restaurants. Basically it's the sort of high rise where if you telecommute, you would never have to leave the building. There are lots of very fancy restaurants, coffee shops, a yarn shop even! The whole center of the building is a large atrium (like 40+ stories) which is mostly walled in by glass, but there are some open parts where the glass is only like chest-high.

I make friends with this nice older guy who figured out I was a new neighbor. I go down to the street to try and figure out what part of the city I'm in, but it's dark and raining and the traffic is whizzing by pretty fast past the very narrow sidewalk, so I go back inside. The security guard already recognizes me. I head back up to about the 15th floor and am walking around a bit more, learning what all is in this building, when suddenly I hear a blood-curdling scream.

I look across the atrium, towards the sound, and there is a young Asian-looking woman on the same floor as me, who has climbed up to the top of the glass partition. Just as I see her, she jumps. Wait, wait, SPLAT.

The guy I met earlier, who happens to be standing next to me again, says, "Wow, that was a good one. Haven't heard a perfect splat like that in a while." We then go downstairs to try and get a better look before the cops block off the area.

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