Jun 12, 2007 10:54
June 12, 2007
Justin Miller
Bethany College
Bethany, WV 26032
Dear Justin,
I am pleased to inform you that your application for field placement and early placement has been approved. Your placement will be at the WV Department of Health and Human Resources. You should plan on contacting your field instructor as soon as possible in order to confirm your first day of field placement. Please advise me of your start date as soon as you arrange it with Tanny O’Connell. I will need to meet with the two of you approximately 2 weeks into your field placement. You should also ask if there are specific health forms that need to be completed (i.e. physical) or if there are specific dress requirements.
Please be advised that you will need to return to campus early for field placement orientation the week before school starts. You must attend this orientation or you will not be permitted to enter the field. You will be attending first aid and CPR training during this orientation. Should you already have either of these certifications as a result of summer or other employment you must provide proof of this PRIOR to orientation.
In speaking with your field agency you DO NOT need to purchase your own malpractice insurance coverage.
Melanee W. Sinclair
Assistant Professor