*crawls out from under my rock*

Nov 21, 2009 09:25

Er, wow. I didn't realize it had been so long since I posted. Things have been kind of crazy (in a good way) around here! The last time I posted was to say I had a new job...well, that job has now resulted in two promotions. I was promoted about a month in to Med Partner (pill pusher for old people, whee) and one week ago I was promoted to Assistant Director. I'm now basically second in command to the entire community. It's...kind of insane, rofl. I'm honestly still in shock - they announced our AD was retiring and said they wanted to hire from within, so I tossed my resume in just for the hell of it, never ever expecting to actually get the position. I actually came really close to crying when my Director called and offered me the job. SO. Yeah...i'm now salaried management, and working a normal schedule of M-F, 8-5. I got to sleep in past 4am for the first time in ages this morning, and I kind of don't know what to do with myself now that I have free weekends!

So what's been going on? I'm completely behind on everything - my old schedule had me so exhausted all I did was sleep when I wasn't working, so i'm totally clueless. Fill me innnnn.

*hugs everyone* I missed you guys!

life:work, life:yay!

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