I spent most of yesterday in bed, doped up on benadryl and just generally miserable. Thanks allergies, I appreciate it!
I was back to feeling somewhat human again this morning, so I figured I could at least get my seed potatoes cut up and started curing so I can get them planted. And since I finally have batteries for my camera again...
The first pear blossoms - this tree will be a giant puffball by next week.
Daffodils are blooming, it's officially spring. :D
Wild blackerry canes coming out of dormancy.
I finally defeated my sock knitting phobia. I promise I don't really have clown feet.
My mint is recovering from the bastard raccoons that dug it up.
Curing seed potatoes...these are going to go in tires for exciting new potato growing experiments.
Terra Preta strawberry experiment seems to be going well; i've already got some itty bitty berries. \o/