Jan 08, 2009 20:15
+ I have BSG dvds, and am remembering the delight of Cavil's Nooooo and Say WHAT and Baltar's OH MY GIDDY AUNT. Also, the hotness of Anders on the big tv knows no bounds. I need icons.
+ Only one week left to new BSG!
- Only one week left to the beginning of the end of BSG. :/
+ Only 4.5 hours left on my 2 week long movie download.
- This download has taken 2 weeks.
+ I haz tacos.
- I didn't heat the shells long enough. -_-
- Chris has to work this weekend, so he can't come home.
- I had to frog an entire sleeve on a sweater because the pattern instructions sucked. Human arms are not shaped that way.
- There is no new Office tonight. :@
+ At least Jim is still hot. And I love this ep.