1.) Bought another external tuner/capture card and got it working, yay. The picture isn't the best, but it's either deal with that or go to prison for murder, so i'll take it. Now if April would just hurry up and get here.
2.) On the same note (sort of), I am ridiculously annoyed that there are no Kara/Sam promo pics. No comment on the Kara/Lee promo. Not going there. But! At least we have what looks to be a very, very hot Sam promo. Need full size! Need to get used to the fact that my otp is never going to stay together.
3.) I've apparently lost my knitting mojo again. Sigh. I haven't picked up my needles in weeks, and the last time I did I got pissed off at it 2 rows in. This is not good.
4.) Am also stupidly annoyed at this whole added battle scene at the Burrow they're putting in HBP. I know Jo approved it, but ugh. I either need to get used to it, or give up on the movies entirely, I know.
5.) I really, really wish the weather here would make up its mind. My sinuses are going batshit, and I feel like I should be outside getting my garden started for the year. Some of my perennials are already blooming, it's insane.
6.) I fixed my desktop, and moved all my sims stuff over there so I could stop the laptop hard drive from exploding. They're on the same desk, so I feel like a massive dork...I have to swap the mouse out constantly (I haaaate touch pads), and I have to keep the desktop keyboard in my lap. Chris just shakes his head at me.
7.) Anybody want to adopt some animals? I'm about ready to ship them off, they're driving me nuts. Squirt was in the kitchen last night, sitting on a box and minding his own business for once. Wrigley then proceeded to walk into the kitchen, stop right in front of the box, hiked his leg and pissed. He knew Squirt was there, he totally did it on purpose. The only thing that kept Squirt from getting a face full of dog pee was the box, and the fact that Wrigley has tiny little stumps for legs. Then 10 minutes later Kimba got annoyed at his water fountain for who knows what reason (apart from the fact that he's the biggest brat i've ever seen), and knocked it off the bar onto all the cereal boxes on the counter. Fred is the only well behaved animal in this house.
8.) *goes mad*
9.) Edit: Full size promos
here. I was right about the Sam pic...I need my bucket. *is dead* Tags!