I've been gone so long. I am ashamed.
I miss you, I do, I miss fandom like crazy. But my internet access comes and goes as it pleases, even when my computer is accepting a charge from the male part of the plug. Which it currently is not. The female part has started eating the new plugs at an alarming rate.
I think my little Pythia is at the end of her life. She lasted just long enough (and i mean just long enough, it was the biggest thing she did on what may turn out to have been the last time she was On) for me (and my Wonderboyfriend! He watched three and a half seasons in a few months to catch up to me in time for 'The Oath') to watch the series finale of BSG.
I crashed my car (my beloved little civic, Anya) on my way to work that morning. It was totally fucking stupid; it was April and we'd just had a little snowstorm, but i'd been driving up to my mountain on snowpack in raging blizzards with chains on my tires before dawn all winter. I wasn't worried about a little dirty ice with clear lanes of pavement showing through on a sunny spring morning that would melt all this stuff in a couple of hours anyway. Which is why i slid off the road and into a big rock by the 7-11 parking lot fifteen minutes away from my house.
Let's not think about that morning. Aside from feeling like the most awful moron, everything went quite smoothly and when my Wonderboyfriend and SuperRoommate had brought me home, 'Daybreak, Part 2' was waiting for me.
It was exactly what i needed. I cried three times (first when Roslin said goodbye to Cottle, then not again 'til the end when she set me off again) and I loved it. I loved the payoff of the Opera House visions, and i thought the music was awesome as always, and it reminded me what a big beautiful place i live. I'm so glad that Lee gets to climb the mountains and sail the oceans although it makes me so sad that he has to do it alone. But most of all it made me feel that if even Gaius Baltar can do all the foolish things he's done and still come through in the end, can be where he is supposed to be in the moment that he's needed, then surely crashing my car can't be that bad. It might even turn out to be good in some strange and unexpected way.
Actually i do now think the car crash was for the best, just as one of a few necessary reminders that money is still too tight for this trip to Mexico to be a very good idea. I was never sure it was quite doable, but i would have gone anyway -- i wasn't at all sure it was doable when Little Sister and i
set out to seek our fortunes almost a year ago, either, and that's all turned out just brilliant.
But on the day before we left (I'm at my mom's house in Florida now) another door opened unexpectedly, one that means returning to Tahoe for at least a few more months. Since i've been gone, two more things have happened to push us (that is, the Wonderboyfriend and me) toward Door Number Two. As long as the door holds up its end, at this point, we're ready to walk through it.
I'm so happy about this. My sister is staying in Tahoe, after all. Also i think my chances of getting internet access are much, much higher.
But i can't make you any promises right now, internets. I don't know when i'll be able to come back to you or how much time i'll have when i do. I just want you to know i'm thinking about you, and that you shouldn't worry about me when i disappear. Life is just keeping me busy, and i am enjoying myself tremendously.
I do wish someone would make a Battlestar Galactica (i've been typing it so rarely it feels good to write it all the way out!) vid to
this David Ford song. Remember when we saw him in Atlanta,