You know, I wasn't all that impressed with the kid playing Little Dean in Something Wicked, but man oh boy am I glad that they got him back! He sure got early-adolescent adorable. And with the teenagery-hair-and-clothes look... OH DEAN. Plus flashback consistency just warms my heart.
Although I guess Dean wasn't supposed to be more than twelve or thirteen, really, because Sam has to have officially known monsters were real by the time he was nine, or how could Dad have given him a .45 for defense against the thing under the bed? (If there was any exposition early in the episode that clears this up, just ignore me, I missed the first ten minutes of the episode. But I'll see them five minutes after the torrent goes up. I CAN BARELY WAIT.) ETA: 1991! So twelve and eight it is. Perfecto. So who's writing the fic where Dean tries to talk Sam into keeping his mouth shut but Dad comes home and Sam confronts him as soon as Dad makes an excuse Sam doesn't like and there's a row?
I hope they use this Little Sammy again, too. Even though his hair is lighter than Something Wicked Baby Sammy, he had Sam's nose and (I say this with all the love in the world) little bitchness.
Not to mention, AMULET. OH BOYS. "Thanks, Sam, I will never take this off for the rest of my life except for that one time when the shapeshifter steals it, but don't worry I'll take it back from his slimy (yet sexy, at the time) ass."
I had no idea gods were such prancing lightweights -- but I'm willing to accept these as minor, much watered-down versions of, uh, some deities that took human sacrifices back in the day (why always with the pagans and human sacrifice, SPN?) without looking too closely at any meadowsweet (anyone else think of the hound in Deerskin? I just can't really buy it as a sinister herb) lore, since they are once again used American Gods style and dear brainy Sammy did say that actually Jesus wasn't born in December and "Christmas" traditions were pretty much all co-opted from Solstice festivities. ♥
Did anyone else think, when the little boy was staring at creepy evil Santa:
Dawn: Umm, guys, hello? Puberty? Sort of figured out the whole "no Santa" thing.
Anya: That's a myth.
Dawn: Yeah.
Anya: No, I mean it's a myth that it's a myth. There is a Santa Claus.
Xander: The advantage of having a thousand year old girlfriend. Inside scoop.
Tara: There's a Santa Claus?
Anya: Mm-hmm. Been around since like the 1500's, but he wasn't always called Santa... but you know, Christmas night, flying, coming down the chimney, all true.
Dawn: All true?
Anya: Well he doesn't traditionally bring presents so much as you know, disembowel children, but otherwise...
Tara: The reindeer part was nice.
Those gods will probably resurrect anyway.
I love those damn boys so much I can't remember the other things I meant to post about. Except Avatar, but that deserves a squeeful post of its own.