So so so, my boy!roommie just recently broke up with his girlfriend, so now he's home all the time, and he hasn't been at work much, so he's pretty much been wallowing, I guess. But today! I get home from work, meaning to start the daunting task of carrying out one of my new year's resolutions by cleaning first my room, then the rest of the house... only to discover that boy!roomie has used his day not only to clean up downstairs, but to hang up the pictures and shelves that have been sitting down there waiting for someone to do something with them!
Plus he's got a plan to get us hooked up with a washer and dryer by Friday. HELL YES.
And suddenly I am not only cheerfully motivated to get my room cleaned up to match, I know how I can decorate this place, the look and atmosphere I can go for, that will make it an environment conducive to the stuff I want to accomplish here without requiring me to invest too much money in a place I know I'm going to leave in the fall.
So I'm watching the writer commentary on PotC 2 and cleaning and also writing. Like eight things. I'm still thinking a lot about Animorphs and my Rachel/Marco fics, and the last few days I've been working on roadfic again -- chapter 5 is over 2,000 words now(!), which should make it about halfway done, although I'm still debating what scene I want to end the chapter on. But a while ago I said I'd post a teaser, and I'm all in accomplishing-shit mode now, so here it is.
(But be warned, this first scene in the chapter may be the best one, so don't get too excited about what comes after it. Although I'm kind of excited about some of the stuff I just came up with... and on the other hand, this scene is unbeta'd, so if it sucks, uh. Sorry. Anyway, no more talk! Story!)
She opens her eyes, but can't see anything in the dark room.
"Rukia. Time to get up."
"I heard you the first time, Ichigo." She is slow about sitting up - her head hasn't started throbbing yet, but it threatens.
She can hear Ichigo moving, and as her eyes adjust she spots his hair and the line of his cheek in the faint light that creeps in under the door and through a crack in the curtains.
"Is light still hurting your head?"
"Huh?" His head tips up like he's looking at her. She wonders how much he can actually see. "Oh. Who knows. Probably. Why, you want the light on?"
"I would like to be able to see," she says, voice dry, "but I would rather avoid a headache. Just open the curtains a bit."
"Avoid a headache," she hears him mumble as light begins to flow in. "That's an idea."
"I'm surprised," she says, standing carefully and leaning to stretch her back. Every night, it seems, this body invents a new way to kink up. "I would have expected to be up well before you this morning. I was sure your hangover would be worse than mine."
Amusement cracks through his scowl. "You don't remember?"
"Remember what?"
"The wake-up call. You said you'd be up momentarily and I should worry about dragging my own ass out of bed. Then you rolled over and went back to sleep."
"Your 'own ass'?"
He actually grins. "Now I've heard you use that phrase twice in one morning. Maybe you're not hungover 'cause you're still drunk."
"I certainly am not." Her dress is on the small table on the other side of the room. She crosses to it slowly and shakes it out. It hangs from her hands, limp and creased, oddly stretched in places, and dull in the grey light. Rukia suppresses a sigh and an older, stranger feeling. It has been a long time since she's had to wear the same-
"Gimme that."
Clutching the shirt to her breast is an automatic reflex. "Excuse me?" she says, turning to glare over her shoulder.
"The dress? Hand it over so I can put it away."
"I do not have anything else to wear, you moro- Hey!" He's thrown something at her; she shakes her head and it slides off her hair onto her arms. A dress. Yellow and pink, and clean. Yuzu's.
The old dress falls from her hands. "Ichigo…"
"Stupid," he says. He drops the bag on the table and bends down to scoop up the dress on the floor. "I'm gonna go get us checked out. You," he points at her, dress in hand, then stuffs it in the bag, "change. We'll meet at the dining hall."
She nods. "All right." She is still staring at the dress, running the soft fabric between her fingers.
As he opens the door she turns. "Ichigo!"
"I do not suppose you thought to pack any of my undergarments?"
In the daylight streaming through the doorway, his flush is pink and bright. "Shut up and get dressed!"
Rukia smiles as he slams the door.
As always, feedback makes me happy inside. Which makes me feel like writing more. ^_^