Apr 17, 2004 15:12
I just don't have any time to do anything anymore, I shouldn't even be here right now, I should be at work, but I trying to put it off as long as possible.
My partime plant job is now a full blown pain in my ass. The trucks never show up, your expected to unload, water and display 500 10in. pot plant......all by yourself, twice aweek, and come in and water on other days...and only work 20 hours a week. It can only be done half ass, and it is starting to make me a little guilty. I cannot let this get the better of me because it is the lesser of importance, than my full time Chef job. And NOTHING is going to fuck that up please God.
The cooking job is cool, I go in now as early as I want, cause I got a key. I start at 5:30 6 a.m. and work mainly by myself until about 2p.m. I get to listen to my own jams, and nobody fucking gets in my head or under my skin.
I turned 38 on Palm Sunday, only my mother and twin brother, and my overly intelligent Eldest Bro called me. The Church newsletter didn't print my birthday on the calandar, so I chose not to take the spot light away from one of my very special friends.....JESUS....., that's right, he's the MAN!!! I decieded to sit in my room and settle on gummy worms, poptarts, and various "tabaccos". Yea, poor me, just another day as the world turns.
GOOD NEWS............The Unemployment appeals I had turned in my favor...meaning I get a check for Dec 21st 2003 through Feb. 28, 2004!!! YO BABY....THAT'S OVER $2000.00 American Reserve Notes!!!
What the HELL, it's time, yes, to buy MY DELL!!!
No more library, waiting. Now unless I'm at work or getting supplies, I don't need to go outside and deal with people. WOOHAA!!
Well it looks like I'm not going to work, I think. Today is the first weekend that it has been Sunny and over 75, so it makes it hard, but in the end I wind up in my room being PESTERED by my three lasses, and two hounds, I really dont know anymore which are more human acting and predictable?
I'm on a fast roll to I don't know where, but I keep going in circles. Nothing excites, interests, or apeases me anymore....I'm in a funky junky modis operendis.
I guess I'll venture off and see where I land, for I am in such high demand. I wish I could fly!!!