Feb 19, 2004 13:11

One day I'm going to figure out what life is all about...and I bet if I think hard enough it can be done quite quickly. I just want to be left alone with my music, a computer, a television, a log cabin....high in the mountains of Colorado, no human contact, in total isolation, living off the land.
Sometimes I think of the Styx song...."why must you be an angry young man, when your future looks quite bright to me"; then it's followed by "you're fooling yourself if you don't belive it"....then comes Judy Collins with, " Where does the time go", "Clouds".
Nothing seems to make much sence anymore, I heard on a documentary how Old Sages would drill small holes into their skulls; allowing more blood into the brain...thus tapping into some of the 90% of unused Brain Capasity.
I'm thinking of becoming a pioneer of this "pinlatta" theory. Sounds alittle scary, but it beats being bored.
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