Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert,
who had the support of only 3% of Israelis in July (and we think Bush's numbers are low!), should resign immediately. In fact, if he had a shred of honor in him, he should have resigned after last summer's terribly botched war against Hezbollah in Lebanon. At the very least, he should have resigned after an internal Israeli government probe revealed that Olmert was responsible for "
very severe failures" in conducting the war.
Even a year before that, he should have been tarred and feathered after evicting Israelis from their homes and farms in Gush Katif, making the Gaza Strip Judenrein for the first time in history, and for throwing families out of their homes in Emunah.
Now Olmert is criminally negligent in protecting the residents of Sderot from near-daily Kassam rocket attacks from Palestinian terrorists who are operating in the very area that Olmert evacuated two years ago. Olmert created this problem but he apparently refuses to fix it. Today,
terrorists sent rockets into a day care center in Sderot, prompting parents to pull their children from all the schools and day cares until Olmert does something to restore order and security.
"No government official was asking about the events happening in Sderot this morning, they're just not interested," Army Radio quoted [Sderot Mayor Eli] Moyal as saying.
This is utterly shameful. Olmert is clearly not qualified to be the Israeli prime minister. Israel needs true leadership from someone line Binyamin Netanyahu or, better yet,
Moshe Feiglin.