May 04, 2007 15:19
My initial thoughts...
I think the clear winner last night was Mitt Romney. I'm not committed, but he moved up in my book. Huckabee, Brownback and Tommy Thompson all impressed me. I couldn't see Tommy Thompson as president though I'd love to seem him as a key policy adviser or department head. Mike Huckabee definitely proved that he's a serious candidate.
Tancredo, Hunter and Gilmore all seem like nice guys and solid conservatives but they didn't really stand out. Ron Paul... well, I'm glad he's there but sometimes he just seems like the Republican answer to Kucinich (minus the craziness); he's clearly a man of (libertarian) principle but he's obviously running only to raise issues, not because he has any delusions of winning.
Giuliani fumbled that question on Islam and seemed uncomfortable talking about faith and abortion, but I don't think he lost too many points. With apologies to my good friends who are supporting him, McCain seemed like the clear loser; his voice was cracking like he catching his breath or like he was going to break down and cry during his first two questions. His attempts at soundbites ranged from poorly-timed to the bizarre. He'll chase the terrorists "to the Gates of Hell"?!? Is he running for President of Sparta?
Fred Thompson had better act fast. We don't have any Ronald Reagans in the race, but we have a number of solid conservatives who are smart and articulate. Republicans can be proud to have such a strong field of candidates.
ronald reagan,