It's funny... when the leader of Iran declares that he wants to "wipe Israel off the map" our commie friend argues that
it's too great a leap of logic to assume that Ahmadinejad has any animus against Jews short of his directly saying so. But when conservatives or libertarians propose privatizing wasteful government programs like the Post Office or
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I know I've singled out a very minor point of this whole thing, but I think it is an important one. My point is, conspiracies do happen. However, not every conspiracy theory is an accurate assessment of actual events. Like everything else, whether we accept them or not should be based upon something besides an outright rejection of all conspiracies as absurd figments of our imagination.
Perhaps I should write something about what the left is really about, from a different perspective.
There are other assassinations I believe were conducted by the US government and were covered up. To name them, Bobby Kennedy, Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, and a few others. None of these things are absurd, nor are they based upon the films of Oliver Stone. I believe the government has been involved in plenty of assassinations, and I think that the evidence for many of them is plentiful, though for some reason they are always dismissed out of hand as being absurd. Since they are conspiracy theories, they cannot have happened, because conspiracies are absurd.
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