Happy Father's Day!

Jun 18, 2006 19:29

1) First, here are a bunch of Father's Day articles from NRO:
Rich Lowry: The Father Effect: It can't be replaced
Carrie Lukas: Indispensable: Fathers and their day
James S. Robbins: Whistler's Father: Why didn’t he get a painting?
Jennifer Roback Morse: Husband's Day: Your children will thank you
Dave Konig: Happy Father-In-Law's Day: When I married the Brady bunch...

2) Natan Sharanski, the famous refusenik, shares his views on the war on terror, Iraq, Iran, Israel, etc.

3) Ronald Reagan once said that the scariest nine words in the English language are: "We're from the government and we're here to help." Mary Katharine Ham says that they might also be: "We're from the U.N. and we want your guns."

4) I just thought I'd share some of my new favorite blogs:
Protein Wisdom, Hugh Hewitt, Iowa Hawk (great satire!), Ace of Spades... I just thought I'd expand from NRO's Corner...

5) Much has been made of how schools today coddle girls and emasculate boys (I'm lazy today, google around for Christina Hoff Summers and Michael Barone and you'll probably find what I mean), but what would a school for boys look like? Ann Althouse might have the solution:

Imagine a school where the vast majority of teachers and administrators are men and where competitive sports are compulsory.

Imagine that students get rewarded for being overtly aggressive in school and that there is a zero tolerance policy for being passive.

Imagine getting extra credit for resisting authority, and having points deducted for being compliant with arbitrary rules and meaningless deadlines.

UPDATE!!!! Thanks to babzen for this: boys and girls are really different! (And yes, nurture and nature both play a role.)

6) And, just for fun: a hilarious office surprise! (The moral: remember to lock your office door when you're not there!)

united nations, blogs, education, iraq, culture, guns, media

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