Running commentary and relatively meaty meta on Doctor Who 3.13, "Last of the Time Lords"
Martha Jones = Mickey Smith?
I guess I'm kind of a horrible person: when I saw the Doctor crawling out of his doghouse, I threw my head back and laughed. I banged my head on the wall -- instant karma!
Also, I really can't get over the whole old!Doctor thing, because that's so WRONG based on previous canon, and they haven't even hand-waved it properly. I would definitely hate it less if they had at least acknowledged "Yeah, this is different from what the entire show has previously told you, but a meme is just an idea, so you don't exist*" or something like that.
Aaah, what are the Toglophane? I mean, obviously they're Time Lords, or humans, or tiny Void ships, or Dalek/Time Lord hybrids, and the result of the Bad Wolf, or something, but SERIOUSLY, RTD, we get the point. Just tell us already.
Obviously, the Doctor told Martha to look out for Sammy, and if she couldn't save him, that she'd have to kill him. *snerk* I think I need to make a macro out of that. Seriously,
ihasatardis is taking over my life.
Jaaaack. The next season of Torchwood is going to be mighty interesting, if Jack's been chained up there for a year. I wonder if we're going to get to see the Hub crew in this episode. The Wild Siberian Goose Chase can't have taken that long, can it?
"Anything else I should know?" "I've met Shakespeare." WIN.
Y'know, I can't help but wonder what Rose would think of all this, and of course whether Rose's London has its own Master.
As much as I love Jack, which is a LOT, he is not strong enough to pull those chains out of the wall.
It definitely speaks to the quality-- or lack thereof-- of this episode that I'm pulling out so frequently (every minute or so) to do commentary here. I don't think I even did running commentary for "Doomsday." I got up once, about 2/3 in, and that was to get my teddy bear because I was sobbing hysterically because Rose was trapped in a parallel dimension forever. I was completely riveted during that episode.
Incidentally, I think a lot of it has to do with the Doctor's un-Doctor-y-ness in this episode. I've already mentioned the whole "continuity and canon are for losers" vibe that RTD has going, but even beyond that, Tennant and Ten bring a very distinct and engaging energy to Who, and when Ten is all old and subjugated and not moving, the whole episode seems very slow.
EW. First of all, "suspend his capacity to regenerate" is a load of horseshit. You can't DO that. And you definitely can't do that with a screwdriver. Secondly, the Doctor looks like if Gollum and ET had a really ugly baby, and then that baby bred with the child of a Kewpie doll and a peanut. That thing-- I can't even say it's the Doctor. That thing is going to HAUNT my DREAMS.
I have to say, one thing I am loving about this episode is the music. A lot. And the Doughterty lady. She reminds me of what's-her-face from "The Age of Steel."
Aiiieee! Despite the distinct lack of love I'm feeling so far, I am getting a little burst of adrenaline at the prospect of the Toglophane reveal. And I want to hear more about the legends about them the Doctor mentioned in "The Sound of Drums." (And, by the way-- has anyone else been walking around all week tapping that out or muttering "ta ta ta ta" under their breath? Or is it just me?)
But if she does it, if Martha kills the Master, then the Doctor again becomes the Last of the Time Lords and the entire net worth of this season is nothing. BOOO.
Aw, even when Martha's about to not!die, they're still comparing her to Rose. Plz to have Deus Ex Tardis now?
Oh, look, it's the Shakespeare Code! Again!
I love how the Doctor is perfectly coiffed, and his clothes change with him.
"Time is reversing!"? Oh, Whovian logic. Never, ever change. Ever.
Oh, hey, thought: If Cassandra (from "The End of the World" and "New Earth") was supposed to be The Absolute Last Human Who Wasn't Part Cat, Ever, how were there humans in "Utopia"? And how are the Toglophane human?
...If time reversed, how do they remember what just happened? Shouldn't they be in the EXACT same situation as they were before? WTF? I liked that montage, though. That was nice. Earth: spins backwards. Japan: exists!
Ohhhh, Doctor Who. And the moral of the story is love > guns.
Is it horrible that I'm laughing at this? I feel like we can now add "Regenerate!" to the list of one-word Whovian exclamations. "EXTERMINATE!" "DELETE!" "HUUUUNGRYYYY!" "REGENERATE!"
Awww, Doctor. Although he's lighting the pyre and all I can think is "Torch. Wood. Hehehe."
WTF was that fucking SALUTE? SO GAYYYY. I HATE that the Torchwood spinoff means Jack can't be with the Doctor. At least they gave the possibility a decent hand-wave, though. Ugh. Why doesn't Jack say "Come back in forty years when the team's gone and I'm getting questions"? Aaiiieee.
OMG. The Face of Boe reveal FTW. OMG. And if you think about it, it even kind of looks like Jack. Wooooow. That's incredible. Were they planning that since Boe's first introduction, d'you think?
Aw, Martha. I've gotten kind of attached to her, actually. Is the Doctor really going to be all alone again? Well, I guess I should hang on until the cliffie. There's bound to be a relatively decent one. Like an "oh, parallel universe, parallel Doctor, parallel but divergent Time War, this is the Doctor, he's my plus one, that all right?" kind of dealie.
But oh, Martha. Good for you. A hero for women everywhere. Good job not being pathetic and obnoxious. You have done right by yourself and by all the women watching this show. Now go hook up with Vicky to further RTD's Big Gay Agenda.
And, re: The Xmas special: "WHAT" is right. Also, the Doctor's very last "WHAT" is a "WHAT" that I do all the time. This makes me happy.
*That's a reference to new Who 1.02, "The End of the World," when the Ninth Doctor says that the Adherents of the Repeated Meme don't really exist, and then they vanish. To me, that's the blueprint and the prime example of quintessential Whovian logic.
Also? It is the sovereign duty of everyone on my flist to let me know when they see caps of this episode. I just had THE best idea for a macro many, many macros based on "Last of the Time Lords." Ohh,
ihasatardis. Why must you own my soul?