¡Ay, dios mio!

Jun 19, 2005 13:15

beingothrwrldly ROCKS. I love the Sandy. "¡Ay, dios mio!" is kind of an inside joke between myself and a friend of mine. It's basically how we amused ourselves through countless boring Spanish classes. YAY. Thank you, thank you, thank you.


Gakked from tatertots370 . List 6 favourite OTP (one true pairing) moments in no particular order (then tag 6 people to do the same):

Mine are all Sethummer moments because... yeah.

(1) "It's always been you" from The Heartbreak.

(2) The diner scene in The Escape.

(3) Summer's speech to Seth when she's talking about how she loves him despite his insecurities in one of the later S2 episodes.

(4) The Spider-Man kiss in The Rainy Day Women.

(5) When Summer brings macaroons and offers to copy the Haggadah for the Nana and Seth is completely baffled in The Nana. Also, when Summer memorizes the Four Questions because Seth didn't tell her she could use the book.

(6) The coffee cart in The Telenovela.

And tagging 6 people is so not happening.

Annnnd one last thing: If anyone would be willing to help me out with the formatting on my LJ (ie. why it goes all the way out to the side of the page instead of going to a new line) I would be much obliged.

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