1. Am sick. Some kind of flu thing. Seems to be going around. Aches and pains and low-grade fever, oh my!
2. Not much to say about The Queen. There are probably gender issues that should be addressed, like
the way Todd completely used Teyla to convert what is essentially a female-dominated society to one in which men rule, especially in that sector. We've never really seen a man-Wraith in much power before Todd (and Michael, but I don't think he really counts). I don't really remember the late S3 "let's collaborate with the Wraith guyz! ... oh noes!" plotline very well, because I watched it all very fast, but retrospectively, it's interesting that after females held all of the power (in terms of the Queens being in charge and doing all the interrogating) they did most of their serious negotiating with a male -- like in order to personize the Wraith, TPTB decided to male-ify them? Om nom nom, sexism. Delicious.
3. I think I inadvertently hooked my best friend Cloie on Doctor Who the other night? I showed her and Lauren My Hilarious Roommate the David Tennant-Catherine Tate sketch and they were all "OH HE'S SO HOT" and I was like "Wanna watch him be hot for an hour?" so we watched "The Impossible Planet" because it was the earliest S2 I had, and then of course we had to watch "The Satan Pit," and then today Cloie was like "Where can I download Doctor Who? I want to watch more." She's already seen New Earth so now when I get the urge to go, "New new new new new new new Earth!" she'll understand, yay!
4. Up to "Die Me, Dichotomy" in the Great Farscape Rewatch. I'm not gonna lie, I cried a little. Even though I knew exactly what was going to happen. I might try to get Cloie to watch Farscape next, because Ben Browder is at least as hot as David Tennant.
5. Overheard in my hall last night: some girl yelling, "I fucked your boyfriend. I FUCKED YOUR BOYFRIEND!"