Lame title is lame. There is a lot of things I want to say, but I want to keep this as short as possible as well.
First, my grandma with Allzheimer's disease, who lives with us. Finally, we were able to find someone who would take care of her and give her her medicine everyday, so she will move to the small apartment that she was living in a year ago. FINALLY, FINALLY I WILL HAVE SOME REST! No more frustrating over my grandma, who is doing incredibly stupid things at home and have to yell at her for doing so!! (since she is stubborn and things she is the only great in the world)
Second, my dad will arrive February 2nd!!! Finally I get so see him after a half a year! I dearly miss him and this will be a wonderful welcome for him! We decided to celebrate Christmas a second time on Febraury 4th. That's because my dad and mom were alone in the US during Christmas, which was a really lonely on without them. That's why I can't AWAIT for that! <333333
Also, our boxes and dad's new car should arrive somewhere in the middle of February (which I will see my Charmanders after a whole 6 months!! <3333), however, I am going on a skiing trip with my friend and classmate to the mountains from 10th of February to 17th of February I think!!! I am super excited for that! <333
My studies are being really a bitch, even though I try my best, I failed a lot of times in a few of my subjects...however, I did not fail in ANY of the subjects YET, I can still try very hard on them and I am doing my best to successfully pass them! Give me lots of spirit and encouragement please! I am almost done with all of them (after all, there are 10 subjects I have to pass, and three more and I am done!!!) That is what I need the most! :D
And nooow, lastly, a freaking sudden change of fangirl moment....
I suddenly fell in love with the characters of the Subway Twin Brothers from Pokemon Black and White...why? Blame the fanarts. I have found a random site with lots of beautiful fanarts of these two...
I really cannot imagine twincest between them (thank god, I didn't find any so far), more like twinlove (and hugging and kissing is fine imo). Simply love between two brothers. Too bad, I see a lot of fanart, where Kudari (white dressed one) is the smiling one and Nobori (black dressed one) is the unsmiling one. I admit I like him more and the fact that he actually smiles together with his brother a lot in the anime makes both look beautiful! I think it's simply because the original fanart in the game of them that makes fans think Nobori is automatically the cool, quiet and unsmiling one:
As I have said, the anime shows otherwise, both caring about their customers riding their subway, helping and full of smiles:
The manga doesn't show much of them yet, but I have heard Kudari is actually super creepy wanting Pokemon fights all the time, while Nobori is the talking I guess it goes after the fans what versions they like. I go with the anime versions then <3
And after all, I still think I like Nobori more....I find much more beautiful fanart of him! My personal favorite? <333
Click the picture to get more details if you are interested :D
snowflaika, you were wondering why their noses are just simple lines?
....that's because they have ugly noses lol
I want some real fanart of them now.....should commission when I get some money in.
That's it for now! Hope you are doing fine guys! Love you lots! <3