Since I have not much hope getting any money back from that scammer seller, I as thinking of a way to get my money back. I have been eyeing a settei lot on YJ that I wasn't sure whether I should bid (but now I am considering doing it), because there have been 79 sheets (however, it doesn't show all what they are...they only show like 12 or so and that's it, it's a risk)! So I have remembered that I have been keeping this huge box full of old toys that didn't sell, so I divided them into lots and ask 10$ for each on
my sales post here. So far, it looks like 6 are already sold, so I am happy to get my money back this way <333
Now to my shiny question...
How do you know in XY whether a shiny is legit or not??
Since I have "shiny trade" on my profile in the game, I get a lot of trade requests and a lot of people on there look like they have fakes. Of course, I prefer legit guys and don't want fakes :/
So I was wondering how to recognize it:
- shows the pentagon next to the red star, which shows it was caught locally in the game. Unless it's another hacked one, because I know people have already hacked XY too...
- usually the perfect IVs thing.
- caught in a Master Ball. A LOT of shinies that are surely fake have been caught in a Master Ball
Any other ones?
On the other hand, I haven't been showing my shinies for a while, one reason because I was here they go!
After my three shiny Riolus and two shiny MIenfoos, I have gotten these guys:
FINALLY my own shiny Eevee (I admit though that Eevee in Amie has one of the most annoying sounds) <3333
It's a boy and in the end...
...of course I couldn't resist turning him into a Sylveon! His name is Clarence (thank you
acidmimi!!!) and he is one little gay Sylveon that loves to look in the mirror and say to himself how fabulous and handsome he is....and is way too confident in his strength and abilities.
I wasn't lucky getting a Pancham, and
riolu wasn't lucky catching a Mienfoo, so I traded my extra shiny Mienfoo for this cutie <3
He is nameless right now...
EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE, SHINY DUOSION!!!!! I have been wanting a shiny Reuniclus, so this was a wonderful surprise!!! He was another one where I wouldn't recognize him, if he wouldn't shimmer, even though the color is obviously visible on him XD
I called him SQUISHY, because how could I not?
I have traded this boy for my extra Cubchoo with a random person and he looks like he is legit!!! He has level 13, caught in a pokeball, and I didn't check his stats yet, must do so...
Traded this girl too, but I believe that she is a fake (caught with master ball). She is very very cute though! I love it when tough Pokemon are so cute and lovely in Amie <3
I have caught him in the most boring class, and I caught him on Thursday, the same day when we put Ago to sleep. So this boy reaaaaally cheered me up. I called him Mon Chéri <333
Lastly, I have caught this boy today!!!! He is SUCH A CUTE BLOB <3333
I might call him Blob, but I gave him the name Monty so far...
That's all for now, will try for a shiny Trapinch :D