About those who care, I am going to my country Slovakia on May 15th, which is already in two weeks!! >W< <3333333
I am pretty happy to go, but I will have to work still for the whole May, because I will have some "partly" Abitur in Slovak.....they have taken my IB diploma, but I have to take some Slovak exam first, wtf. Oh, and entrance exams for my university too. That's pretty disappointing to me, since the IB diploma should make me go to ANY COLLEGE/UNIVERSITY IN THE WORLD. Just...Slovakia doesn't take that. End.
Anyways, after those exams, I will be free and have time for myself. That doesn't mean exactly that I can't see you people before those :)
After those exams, I do not have any particular plans, except that I will be going to Sweden to see my close friend Maria (or Princefire on dA). I just CAN'T WAIT to meet her. It will be the first time in life we will see each other. Of course, I will live at her place, so me and her with her kind dad have some plans already. I just can't wait to see some more of the Northern/Swedish culture. If I had to pick another country I would live in, it would be either Denmark or another Northern country, because I love the cold, snow and...I don't know, when I went to Denmark, you could actually feel that the Danish are happy people, happy with everything they got....not really surprised about that, it has been said that the Danish are the happiest people in the world, but it doesn't have to be exact fact.
Anyways, after the small trip to Sweden....I don't have any actual plans. This is where I will probably decide whether I want to stay in Slovakia forever or if I want to go to the USA back. It will FIRST depend if I will good grades in my entrance exams to university (thank god, it will be in English, German and Maths, my favorite subjects <3), so....I still have to decide, but my dad bought me a ticket back on August 9th I believe, just to be sure I want to come back...so I have another life decision.
The stupid thing though would be that I won't have anything to do one semester (those who don't know, universities last a year just like high schools/gymnasiums/etc, not a semester like colleges) if I return with my dad back on February 2011......so no clue :/
What would you probably do in such a situation? I would really love to hear your opinions :)
So far that is all, I am being busy with my classes, since it's the end.
And now....I am studying quite a lot and it can become annoying that you just need some break. So...maybe you have some interesting music to share with that you have heard lately? C:
Let me see! <3333
I will share too (and I STILL don't know how to show a youtube video in a journal, someone help me? OTL). The song that probably most interests me right now is "The Tailor Shop on Enbizaka" by Megurine Luka, perfect song for Luka and overall Vocaloid lovers :3
The music sounds pretty relaxing to me, even though it's sad and creepy as hell. Just see it for yourselves :)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m8L75guzMn4 Since I suck at embed media, here is a picture to share XD
That's it for now guys! <33333