Apr 16, 2006 17:53
Stay with me a while
But it may seem foolish, but I'm scared
My beloveds yelling "Crucify!"
And it's as if no one ever cared
Soldiers mock me with their songs
They laugh because I'm naked and I'm weak
I don't know how much longer it can go on
When every breath I take is just too weak
And for a moment time stood still
To listen to the King of the Hill
And all the angels just stood still
To listen to the King of the Hill
But I could've had servants
And I could have ruled this world as their King
And I could've had wealth beyond measure
But I could've had anything but it wouldn't mean anything
Not my will but yours be done
I had no agenda, only Your truth
You were so proud to call me Son
Now Father I commit my soul to You
And for a moment time stood still
To listen to the King of the Hill
And I can hear You whisper still
Father I'm the King of the Hill
"King of the Hill" Eli
Happy Easter.
This weekend has been amazing and I needed it. Thanks to you all.
Friday-Good Friday Service, Jon Clark, David Crowder, Third Day, the Kellys, Charlie, Starbucks
Saturday-Sleep, Drama Meeting, Sleep, Party
Sunday-Easter, 1.3 Billion people, Work, Everyone home, Tijuana Joe's, Sleep
Pretty great.