
Sep 13, 2006 23:28

Have not done much these past couple of weeks.

I went to Helsinki to get some books from the Helsinki School of Economics library. Nevermind the books but I found myself a pair of beautiful black leather boots! I wouldn't believe my eyes in the store when I realised that the zipper will close all the way up! They were a bit over my budget but since this is only the second pair of boots I've found that actually fit me (the first one being those from Evans that I never managed to get) I just could not stop myself from buying them. Love them to bits and would like to wear them indoors all the time as well :)

Other than that I've been working on the dissertation (which, by the way, is now called a 'bachelor's thesis' instead of a dissertation because the smart people who decide these things decided that thesis sounds posher and hence it should be called that) which is now at almost 4000 words but I've got lots of notes that I haven't put up on the computer yet. Plus I still got three books to read of those I got from Helsinki. I'm just a little bit concerned that I'll have too much of the theory and too little of the application which I guess could be a bad thing.

Oh, and I now have a pretty SGA layout thanks to mercscilla. Gotta love SGA. Mmm, McShep!
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