(no subject)

May 25, 2006 00:32

Have been a little lazy updating my LJ :P

Anyway, on Monday I went to Helsinki for an interview with a job agency, hopefully they will find me a placement but I'm not too optimistic. After that I went to Ricky Martin's concert :) He's got an amazing voice and he's like an acrobat - walking with his hands and everything during the concert! Some of the songs were oddly mixed but when he sang 'Maria' everyone stood up and started dancing. It was strange to see that over half of the people there were like 40-50 years old and they were dancing like crazy!

Got myself book two of the A Song of Ice and Fire series. I really didn't want to buy it since I think the first book was utter crap but I couldn't find any other book to buy either so :P I'm still way confused why everyone likes this and when exactly does Jaime Lannister become so cool everyone thinks he is?
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