This will be a long night... ;)

Dec 25, 2005 00:51

Merry Christmas or hyvää joulua to everyone! :)

I'm back in Finland, will write about my trip home in another entry later on because it was pretty much from hell. Or at least it was until I got to the airport. The British public transportation system is a joke, that much I can tell you.

Anyway, Santa Claus had popped in and left some pressies under the Christmas tree... This year my parents got about twice as many pressies than I did, hee hee ;) I think they got a little confused when they saw the amount of their pressies!! ;) Anyway, Santa brought me something that's going to keep me awake for a while now, a Lacie external hard drive of 250 GB! WHEE! :) So my laptop got a new friend. I also got the Star Wars Episode III DVD which I am going to watch tomorrow, some chocolate and marmelade, money, a "jacket" to wear over pyjamas (can't for the life of me remember what they're called in English :P) and a small aluminium case of cosmetics by the Color Workshop. Going to try them tomorrow! My dad got Thornton's chocolates, a Robin Hood / Nottingham T-shirt, a Robin Hood mousepad, a fleece jacket, chocolate and tiramisu coffee and a Maglite flashlight. Mom got Thornton's chocolate as well, some underwear, a CD, two books (crossword puzzles and Sudoku), a jewellery box, The Body Shop Cranberry soap and some other stuff which I can't remember anymore :P And Misu got a new collar (a glow-in-the-dark one!) with a name tag (which is PINK!) and some yummy yummy cat sweets with a couple of toys.

We're going to Helsinki next week to buy me a new luggage (due to reasons that will be explained in the entry about the trip home from hell ;)) and I'm thinking I need to keep an eye on some new pants as I currently have only two pairs of pants that I can wear in winter :P

How about spending the rest of Christmas Eve writing that stupid essay? :P
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