.... I´m starting to think that it´s something personal

May 29, 2009 22:19

yeah, Hi all, I´m not dead ^^;;;;

Remember the earthquack last year that I posted about last year?
yeah today is exactly a year since then, and guess what? Another earthquack.
Only this one was a littler smaller, 4,1-4,7 on richter and it happened in Grindavík, which is very far from us here on Selfoss, but my sister and her family felt it and sended mom a text if we had felt it. We were all like: "huh? what earthquack?" and then we saw it on the news.
...yeah. since the last year´s earthquack, i have been seriously terrified about earthquack, even just mentioned about it makes me a little nervous.

*fells a little better,writing this*

But anyway, *sigh*
what have you guys all been up to? :)

personal?!, birthday, earthquake

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