Feb 27, 2008 21:16
I woke up this morning knowing that something important was going to happen today. I knew that God had something for me. That was part of why I didn’t want to get up this morning, but at the same time I was excited for what the possibilities could be.
In chapel the director of Bridges of Hope spoke. At the end he said that he would be anointing those who were called by God to live their lives wholly for him. I’ve “made” that commitment before and was thinking “I don’t need to be anointed just to live my life wholly for the Lord.” Then I realized that while I had made that commitment before I haven’t been living like it. I was still doing things 100% my way, but I still wasn’t going to go up. Then there was a nudging inside of me and a voice that said “This is it. This is what is supposed to happen today.” And it hit me that being anointed is exactly what God had in store for me today. To finally give my life completely to him.
So I got in line.
I am now anointed to do God’s work. I have made a commitment to go where he leads and to do what he calls. I have made the commitment to surrender completely, something that I can not do in my own strength. Even while I was in line I was fighting it. Rebecca prayed for me and for the strength to live as God wants me to.
I want this day to be something that I look back on as the day that I took that full step of faith to follow where God leads even when I can’t see.
That is my commitment today!