Aug 08, 2010 20:44
[If one listens closely, they may hear a soft smack-smack of fish tails against fishy bodies, as Ironhide turns on his comm.]
I do not see how this qualifies as a punishment. Not so bad... Once you get used to it...
This is not going to deter me from taking action against anything, Captain. Especially not from protecting my charges from mad women and other organics... who have more disgusting tastes than mere murder.
[Of course, Ironhide is not mentioning the fact that he hasn't rested lately, thanks to the fish he's covered in bursting into song on every hour.]
protection mode: engaged,
cranky old weapons master,
ew squishy,
you're all morons,
did something dumb again,
bah humbug,
it's not a fish fetish!,
frag your ship