Most of the time I'm pretty content in being single.
I get to do whatever I want whenever I want
and I don't have to answer to anyone.
no expected phone calls, no drama, no bs.
but there's also no snuggles,
no slow sweet kisses,
no laying around,
no romance,
no unexpected surprises,
just a general feeling of lonliness that pops up every now and then that you learn to deal with.
it's human
it's fine.
i'm human
I'm fine.
but tonight as I prepare for bed
I'm thinking about how nice it would be
if someone were preparing with me.
we could get up early,
you'd read the paper, I'd read the coast
you'd make tea and I'd make toast.
after breakfast
Id leave some small random sketch of my penis in your jacket pocket
with a shitty cheeze ball poem about your eyelashes.
you'd find it at lunch
then you and your co-workers would have a good laugh at my expense
you'd start thinking i'm a fool
"why am i dating this guy anyway?,
he doesn't really do anything,
he's allways broke,
doesn't have any real future plans
and isn't all that interesting."
"Is this all he can offer me?
a shitty poem and a sketch of his dick?
hell, he isn't even in a band!!"
"I'm breaking up with him."
at the end of our days we'd meet for coffee
the conversation would be forced, but I'd be comfortable in that
then i'd ask you to pay for my coffee cause I've only got 10 bucks to my name and need cigg's.
that night we'd have plans
but I'd break them cause I'm too tired from doing "nothing"
and just wanna "chill out"
you'd go out that night anyway, meet some ids shmuck from DAL who
"cares soo much about those kids in africa"
you'd get drunk
bring him back to your place and fuck him.
In the morning you'd go to your kitchen
and find breakfast allready made for 2
down the hall would be a giant painting of a single eyelash with human characteristics standing in a field of tiny penis's.
looks like I snuck in (how creepy!)
spent 2 hours making a breakfast only seen in movies
and the entire night working on a painting for that huge empty space
on the wall behind your couch that you had complained about 2 weeks before hand.
you'd rush "wade" or "rod" or whatever his name is out the door
and I'd pass him in the hall with my strawberries.
him not knowing me
me not knowing him
there'd be a nod of aknowledgement,
he'd say "man what a night"
I'd say "I know what you mean"
we'd eat breakfast in silence
and you'd complain about the pancakes
cause they had some product in them that wasn't ok for hippies.
"nice painting, but why do the penis's outnumber the eyelash?
is that some kind of comment on the power of men or something?"
then you'd dump me because "you've just got too much on your plate"
I'd walk home in the rain again
and start another brain melting bender that last's till my next meaningless fling.
nearing the end of that bender I'd find myself making lame little stories
about relationships that don't exist when I should really be in bed.
now I remember why I'm single!
girls just make me miserable.
I could still use some hugs and a massage though.
jesus, am I ever in a mood.
must be all this rain.