to the so-called liberals and proclaimed stay-at-home moms (which are apparently interchageable these days) of san luis obispo county (primarily to those in paso and slo). this one goes out to you.
*with a note of hatred to my despised classmates of '07
i fucking hate you. day after day i come across people at school sporting their OBAMA apparel and various accoutrements. good news, jackasses, he fucking won. you can take off your red and blue stenciled leather jackets with VOTE OBAMA on it. you're not punk, either.
stay-at-home moms, FUCK OFF. no one gives a shit about your pseudo-spiritual hindu proverb,
namasté. it's stupid and just because you changed your politcal party to democrat to vote for barack obama doesn't mean you're passing as one. news flash, assholes, you're not. also, stop wearing your work out spandex everywhere you go making it appear like you just came from kennedy club fitness. go back to your inherited homes, put on your fleece northface vests, sit down, sip on your starbucks coffee and watch fox news. (it's too bad northface has become the clothing choice for these people).
*kids i went to school with that are obsessed with reconnecting with eachother over facebook, fuck you, too. today i read a comment that went a little something like this uhhh haven't heard/seen from you in soooo long. what's up! stop trying to make our post-highschool lives awkward. just because you were aquaintences in highschool doesn't mean after graduation you'll just suddenly be best friends. get it through your skull, not everyone wants to be your friend. stressing they haven't kept in touch.
p.s. i hate all of you