1. Rialto - Verse En Coma
I invented him and now he's following me
through ice patches and pine trees...
2. Tharn - Fall of Efrafa/Paper Aeroplane
3. Hot Damn - Hot Damn
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4. Parasites/Walking With Jesus 7" - The Muslims
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1. Dig, Lazarus, Dig!!! - Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds
What we once thought we had we didn't...
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2. Deathconsciousness - Have a Nice Life
If science is half the man it says it is then I can build it...
3. Seeds - Ryland Bouchard
Drug me full of laughter, so funny i'll die...
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4. Ode to Sunshine - Delta Spirit
We are two Indians in the same canoe...
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5. Vampire Weekend - Vampire Weekend
I stand corrected...
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6. Black Wooden Ceiling Opening - Mount Eerie
The levee will not hold the water back...
7. Ten Kens - Ten Kens
Long after i'm gone you'll hear me, sense me
I'm the backdrop for all you do...
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8. Mount Hope - Pygmy Lush
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9. Dragging a Dead Deer Up a Hill - Grouper
I'm dragging a dead deer up a hill...
10. Loyalty to Loyalty - Cold War Kids
It's just like when we were kids we'd lay around wondering...
1. Stop - Max Alper
2. Hot Damn - Hot Damn
3. s/t - Looms
1. Phantom on The Horizon - The Fall of Troy
2. Directions to See a Ghost - The Black Angles