(no subject)

Aug 14, 2005 20:07

so let's see where things are at now...

i went to cedar point, and i had a grand time. we shoved seven people into a hotel room, and ate sno-cones the size of my head. we rode every roller coaster (except the dragster, which was down for maintenance, and when it was functioning again, it started to rain. next time, next time). i forgot how much i absolutely love roller coasters until i went to cedar point. both days we were there, it was sweltering. standing in line for the rides was almost unbearable. we also had to take lightning fast showers when we got back to the hotel since there was only one bathroom. i was tempted to make the boys shower at the pool.

what else?

i almost set my house on fire yesterday. no, really. i almost did.

for alison's birthday, i decided that i would bake her brownies. i bought a fancy shmancy tray and pink saran wrap to present them on. well, i preheated the oven, and i started to mix the brownies. a few minutes later, i start to smell smoke, and i turn around to see smoke pouring out of my oven. i open the oven door, and there is a huge fire inside of it. i closed the door quickly and turned off the oven. i was hoping it would go out by itself, so i waited a few minutes. after about 7 minutes, i decided that it may not go out anytime soon. i had to call 911 because we are fire extinguisher-less. the flames started to get really big, and they started to come out of the top and the sides of the stove. so by now, i'm panicking like crazy and waiting for the fire department to come. when they finally arrive, the flames have settled, but my house is still filled with black smoke. (it took them a really long time to arrive--they blamed traffic.)

thankfully, we are an asian household and have a second oven in my garage. i baked the brownies, decorated them with powdered sugar, and arranged them in a pyramid on the platter. i made alison a few cds, and then mike and i were off to alison's to eat cake. she had a sweet room...and a salty room, and i mingled around in both. the best part was the 2 liter of piña jarritos. yum.

on a different note,
school starts in 2 weeks, and i hear i'll have to spend another 200 dollars for just my spanish text book. i'll kill someone.
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