(no subject)

Mar 25, 2005 08:42

let's see...spring break?

the bodyworlds exhibit at the museum of science and industry was really, really neat. i highly recommend it, but the only thing i didn't enjoy was waiting over an hour just to get into the museum. on top of that, there were so many people in the exhibit, that it was hard for me to see some of the things in the cases. it was about 90 degrees in there, and i was really uncomfortable and tired, so by the time we left, i was ready for bed (at 6pm).

i went shopping a lot, and now, i've realized that i'm so tired of clothes. there are so few things that i like anymore, but when i do find something that i might want to purchase, it's not in my size. damn these big hips of mine.

i went to the art museum, as well. it was overrun with little kids, which was weird. i don't remember going to the art museum on a field trip when i was in 2nd grade. a lot of these kids brought books or games to occupy themselves...

mike had a show on saturday, and it was pretty much overrun with old rockabilly kids. i ran into my brother though, which was awkward. he was the last person that i expected to see there. at least there wasn't some half-naked drunk girls hitting on me this time.

this week has been non-stop for me. i had a paper due and a test yesterday. i had a genogram due on tuesday, and all of my professors decided to give our final project assigments this week. i think i did well on my test.

i'm kind of all over the place.

i might be able to graduate in 3 semesters.

the andes mint pie at baker square is so wonderful.

i'm really hungry.
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