(no subject)

Feb 15, 2005 07:56

oh, dear. my valentine's day was spent horribly. :/ my favorite holiday...wasted, just like that.

i went to work early...and stayed a little late, almost making me late for my first class. i took a less-than-riveting spanish test, which was a lot easier than i thought it'd be, and then it was off to testing & measurement. boring boring boring...but at least he let us out a little early.

after that, i had to study for my beast of a psych test. i've heard nothing but bad things about this woman's tests...not one person has said something positive about her...so i spent the next 4 hours studying. i wrote down vocab, memorized it (almost 90 words!), read the textbook very very thorougly (three times!), and i drank a lot of coffee. by the time i left, i was mentally & physically drained, and the only thing i could possibly think to do was fall down on my bed and sleep for the next 2 years.

this morning, i decided to wake up early so i could get another hour of studying done before i take that test. i left my house at 7, instead of 8:30, which means that i didn't get to grab something to eat, but that is a rather common occasion. i walk out to my car, and what do i find in the passenger seat of my car? a flower and a box of golden grahams. ohhh, gush.

you know, i'm not the kind of girl who jewelry, poems, cliche cards, or anything like that. the way to my heart is definitely through my stomach, and nothing satisfies my belly more than a bowl of golden grahams. they're quite possibly the most perfect cereal ever. but anyway...i bet you can imagine my enthusiasm when i got to my car.

so yeah...it's a little silly...but that's why i love it.
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