(no subject)

Jan 25, 2005 17:37

so what did i learn in school today?

well, in abnormal psych, we were discussing freud. my professor really does not care for any of his theories (which is not surprising), and he attributed that some of his theories probably came about while he was all effed up on coke. well, this lead to the topic of of addiction, and i learned that porter county has the 3rd highest heroin-related death rate in the united states, only behind baltimore and philadelphia. for some reason, that made me laugh hysterically. from 1993-2004, the heroin usage rate has skyrocketed 700%. this is what indiana does to people, i suppose. my professor, who lives in valpo, told us about how valpo cops will arrest any/all underage drinkers...but heroin addicts--they're okay. for example, her son was on the basketball team, and a few of the players were suspended or expelled from school because they were caught drinking. another player, on the other hand, was a known coke and heroin dealer, but he was allowed to stay in school. a girl in my class also shared a story about how when she was in 8th grade (at a valpo middle school), one of her classmated overdosed on heroin and died. 8th grade? when i was in 8th grade, i think i was more concerned on whether my shoes matched, not where my next fix was coming from.

so apparently, porter county is where you should go to get your heroin. gary? chicago? nah. just good 'ol valparaiso.
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