la la la i am boring

Nov 29, 2009 20:58

You know how sometimes people on your friends list post about stuff going on in their life, and all of a sudden you think "Wait a minute? Since when were they working THERE? Since when were they dating HIM/HER? Since when???" And then you wonder how you could have missed all that seemingly pretty standard information, but somehow you feel too ashamed to ask for clarification because it seems like info you should already know? It happens to all of us sometimes.

Please copy the topics below, erase my answers and put yours in their place, and then post it in your journal! Please elaborate on the questions that would benefit from elaboration. One-Word-Answers seldom help anyone out.

First name
Zsófi(a). This is Sophie in any other normal language. I like it; Zsófi sounds nice. I don't like when people call me Zsófia though, with the a at the end. My German teacher, however, does this, but I got used to it now. Personally i think it really rather suits me but it's very boring cause if you visit Hungary, and you actually get to meet people, 5 out of 10 girls you meet will be called Zsófi. Fuck.

17. I like being 17 so far, but how is it that I always feel little? When I was in primary school, I always wanted to be 6th grade (12 year old) because that was so fucknig grown-up. And then 14, and then 16, which wasn't at all as super sweet as it is supposed to be lately.
My friends all say that 17 is rather cool and they don't want to be 18, but well, I don't know. If I were given a chance to be any age I wanted, I'd probably pick something like, uhm, 19? 20? But well, no idea. I'm pretty scared of growing older, that sounds like so much responsibility and I'm such a fail at handing stuff.

Győr, Hungary. I love this town, recently I've realized that maaaaaaaybe I want to live here. Everyone my age, especially in my class, wants to leave Hungary, because, you know, there's a kind of "Hungary sucks"-trend going on. Imho it doesn't suck here as much as it could, especially here in Győr because this town looks pretty fab (especially now! Christmas lights for the win!). My only problems are my ... hm... future ambitions, let's say, lately I've been rather obsessed with the vintage camera trend I see all around, and as photography is my main cure for my boyfriend's lack of presence (more about that later), I really want to own a vintage camera shop, selling old TLRs and Polaroids and 120 film, but here I'd go bankrupt after like one day. I'd also like to own tea houses and an online t-shirt store, and become a photographer and sell prints... if I wasn't a rather unknown boring loser at anythnig I try.

I go to secondary school. It was supposed to be called a bilingual course but last week my teacher informed us that it is wrong, it is a dual language school. I study maths, geography and history in English. The school sucks a little though, as they don't let me do the English finals earlier, therefore I often get bored and just waste time and learn nothing on English classes, instead of improving I just get worse and worse. Reminds me, I haven't done my English homework. Not that I care much, really. As for the future - there's kind of a crisis situation going on in my little world now, because I cannot imagine myself anywhere but some art school. Not sure about the course - maybe interior design, photography, styling, fashion design, any kind of design basically. But when I try to think logically, I always come to the conclusion that there are just simply more cons than pros to any of these, so ... idk? I am kind of afraid I'll never get a normal job and I'll starve to death or something. I just can't imagine myself working in an office so I'll probably either be a shop assistant at H&M or Zara, or be an artist and ... starve to death.

Kind of a complicated situation here - I have a boyfriend who is probably the most amazing thing in my entire life. He loves me, I love him, we've been together for 3 years... where's the problem I hear you ask? Uhm, he lives 4000 kilometres away from me in Russia, on the western side of the Urals or maybe just 2000 kms away in St Petersburg, but that doesn't really make it any better. He's 21 soon, so, uhm, he comes to visit me like twice a year but as depressing the situation is, it is rather likely I won't see him in 2009 any more. My family is poor and my mother is weird so I can't really go visit him, but one day I will and it will be pretty fucknig amazing (uh, literally).

Sometime later a couple of kids would be nice. Maybe when I'm around 30 or something.

I have a brother who is 3 years old. He likes to make up new words (kuszkum - the beginning of a show on TV, most often a quiz show, extraligálus - i have no idea what it means, but he said this to a washing machine), or when he's grumpy, he keeps telling me to get out of the room, go into my room and study, but when he's in a good mood, he's really a rather sweet boy... he really likes my boyfriend, and he is obsessed with TVs and all electronic gadgets, especially cellphones. He usually wakes me up on weekend mornings when he just runs itno my room screaming "Zsóóóóóóóóóófiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!!" When he was younger and he couldn't spell my name, he used to first call me Vusi (spelled Voo-shiee) and then Dufi (spelled Doo-fee). People say he looks a lot like me, which could be true, considering pictures of me from my childhood, except he's blonde and I have never been blonde. He really loves my mother.

None. I used to have a cat called Évi, she died a few years ago. I don't like dogs that much, but I really love bunnies. I have a collection of bunny plushies and ceramic cats (which I made myself).

List the 3 biggest things going on in your life
1) Photography - is my anti-drug. Really, it is such a big passion for me, I can't even say more.
2) My boyfriend - when things are not ok with him, or us, my whole life seems to disintegrate and slowly collapse.
3) My sanity - I highly question that I am completely sane at times. Sometimes I lose control and I get angry and I don't really register what's happening around me, I just need to hurt myself, one way or another. My mother gets angry if this happens which gets me even more angry, so it's pretty much a vicious circle. This happens when I can't cope with stress and, um, I'm really scared that this will go on forever and I'll be unable to ... to cope with ANYTHING vital in my life (studies, work).

about me, meme

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