Well we had a pretty bad ass night, in a good way. Went out with Trav's mom and her new 20 year old boyfriend Mike. We went to the Orleans to see Trav's aunt, uncle, and baby cousin who flew in from Colorado. We all went to the bar and had a few drinks, and we brought the sleeping baby in her stroller. After being at the bar for about 30 minutes, and ordering food, a spic bitch comes up to us and tells us we cant be in the bar with the baby. ( Like what the fuck is she going to do, get drunk? ) We tried arguing the point that we just ordered food and the service was shitty, but it was a no go, and we had to leave. We wound up eating at Subway and getting stoned in the hotel room. So, I am blazed while writing this =) The best part is that we came home, and Mollie didnt even shit in her cage **claps** When I got home a received an email from a chick who reads my journal everyday and it makes her feel better because she has "man problems" too. This made me feel good in a way, but it also made me feel that my life is one big fucking soap opera, but it feels like that most of the time anyway, heh. Travis also built me a kick ass website to promote my private dancing and escorting. It is BAD freakin ass, and looks ALL to sweet. I am about to print out some pictures and put them in some frames. I took two quizes tonight, the first one is about what kind of strange person I am. I got "evil", finally a quiz that shows my true colors.. lol. The second quiz was about if I personify darkness or light in the world, and I came up neutral. I agree with that, as I have a little bit of both inside, heh. Anyways, byes for now all =)
A different quiz, what strange type of person are you? brought to you by
a... DO YOU PERSONIFY DARKNESS OR LIGHT? brought to you by