(no subject)

Jul 13, 2009 17:21

Very shitty day. I'm fat. Not just fat, but morbidly obese enough to qualify for gastric bipass. 215, ladies and gentlemen. The fattest I've ever been in my whole life.
My test results for my hormones are all off but my doctor doesn't have time to see me to straighten it out for another 2 weeks. I'm exhausted all the time and yet the panic attacks are worse. I've broken out in this weird, psoriasis/fungal rash on my forehead. My teeth are jacked up and my head really, really hurts. My disability insurance got screwed up by my doctor and is still not straightened out, so of course, my car died, and will probably need repairs far more costly than the current value of said car.
Fuck. I feel so ill. I'm stupid, fat, ugly as hell and broke.
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