*is gobsmacked*

Jul 05, 2008 22:34

I shall go through this as coherently as possible:

- It seems to me the Doctor knew his regeneration was not going to be a real one. And he didn't think that was worth mentioning? Does he never learn?

- Rose and the Doctor are together. Except that the Doctor is not the two-hearted, time-and-space-travelling Doctor. He is a one-hearted Doctor with all of the memories and feelings and gorgeous good looks of that Doctor who is able to spend a life with Rose. They kissed. THEY BLOODY WELL KISSED and I am thrilled about that. But while my general feeling is one of delight, I cannot help feeling very, very sad for alien!Doctor/Rose. I don't think the Doctor Rose has ended up with is in any way inferior, but I'd have quite like for the new Doctor to be exactly like the old one, and for him to have carried on travelling round the universe, while the other Doctor, the one who mourned the loss of Rose throughout series three, stayed with her in her parallel universe. And yes, that's coming at it from a complete Doctor/Rose shipper point of view and there would have been outrage from much of the fandom, but I think of Ten all on his own and I just can't bear it. It's heartbreaking. He loves Rose, that Doctor, and ultimately he has to be selfless and give her up, because he feels the other him needs Rose more.

- Donna. Oh God, Donna. To be completely honest, I'd rather she'd had a heroic death. Yes, that would still have hurt so badly, but at least she would have died with her potential fulfilled. Now, though, she's going to what? Go back to being a temp? Shout at the world because the world won't listen? Ten calls Sylvia on her treatment of Donna and that's brilliant, but Sylvia is not going to act on his words, we can see that. I am going to create an AU future in my head in which Ten meets Donna and shows her her potential all over again. And there, again, is another sacrifice Ten has to make. Donna would have died, I know, but it must have hurt him so much to take that away from her - knowing she didn't want it taken, knowing this was a woman he changed for the better and who would have stayed with him her entire life. I think given the choice, Donna would probably have preferred to die too.

- Davros so will not be dead. I can just tell.

- Mickey and Martha in Torchwood, I assume? Hmm. Well, whoopee for Mickey, but not so much for Martha, although I did like her in this finale. I suppose overall she has been likable enough this season that I can deal with her going into Torchwood. I squee-d over the clearing up of the Gwen/Gwyneth similarity.

- I know there was loads to fit in, but I was disappointed with the lack of Jack and Rose interaction.

- There was naked!Ten. I think I have run out of coherent things to say.

I must start posting here again. I have umpteen billion fics to finish off. I will do them very soon. I will.

donna noble, fic stuff, doctor who, aww, ten/rose, torchwood, rose tyler

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