GOD is working in My Life-My Dreams May be Coming True

May 05, 2006 09:09

WOW, I have some news to share with all of you and I am asking that all of you please say a prayer for me right now.

Here is a breakdown of what has been going on with me ...

Everyone here knows how it is on my heart to open a Maternity Home for young expecting mothers and help them get on their feet, finish their education and help them in parenting or placement of their child. Okay, so I have been "dreaming" about this for a long time now and God has opened many doors for me along the way, but I have never really taken the step "out" of my comfort zone to make it happen. I am not proud to say that, but it has just been really scary for me when I carry all the benefits (health, prescription, retirement fund, etc) from my job, plus I make a good income and have the most flexible job anyone could ask for. Well the other night, I took Taylor's friend back to her house and was talking with her dad and come to find out her dad had just finished doing a Power Point presentation for a friend of his in Texas for an orphanage. I was telling him that I would love for him to do something like that for me for my Maternity Home and told him a little about what I wanted to do. Chuck (the girl's dad) contacts me yesterday and asks me about where I am in applying for the nonprofit and I told him I had started the paperwork and would get it finished and get the material to him so I can go around and do presentations for support. He told me he knew alot of people and he believes he can get a home donated for what I want to do. OMG, can you believe this???? I sure couldn't. WELL, this morning...Chuck comes to pick Taylor up for school, for they take their daughter and Taylor every day to school for me and he asked me if I thought I would be interested in going in under a Church's nonprofit organization and run the home under them. I told him most definitely, well it wasn't ten minutes and he called me back this morning and said he just talked to his friend in Texas who is opening the orphanage under his church which is a church of at least 5,000 people. Chuck told him about me and what I wanted to do and they are going to present me to the Board and I may have to fly down and meet them and present myself and my "dream" and there is a chance they will take me under their "wing" with their nonprofit and I can get the home up and going much more quickly.

Okay, I am WAY TOTALLY excited about this that I am just in awe as to what God is bringing before me. I love helping others and put my whole heart into it and to even think I may have the opportunity to help young expecting mothers and their children, just makes my heart melt.


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