Jun 13, 2001 22:02
I've been meaning to post this for a while.
I've been having a war with some people who run a website that makes these Christian comic strips. They really disturb me because..... yeesh. Apparantly (and i didn't know this) EVERYONE'S going to hell except the guy who writes these comics.
Honestly, they scared the hell out of me. Not just because i'm Wiccan (Earth-based Pagan religion in which both a god and a goddess are worshiped, no, we don't believe in satan or hell, by the way) but because they were just do full of scary lies and horrible little devil illustrations pointing at innocent people going "Look, let's go corrupt him! Oh no! He's got a bible! RUN!!!"
The i read this really sweet comic about a little abused boy. It was sooooo sweet. This little boy was beaten by his father and thrown outside. He's like 8 years old i think. Hard to tell from just a drawing. And he's sleeping on the street and he finds this little paper that says "Jesus loves you" and this big smile crosses his face just before he dies, and the last frame of the comic is him being led to heaven by an angel.
I really liked it. I thought it was sweet and i thought it embodied the very purpose of religion, which is to give people something to believe in. (I also noticed that this comic was one of the author's first works, obviously before he was corrupted by the idea that EVERYONE'S A-GOIN TO HELL)
So i wrote them an e-mail, telling them how much i liked the comic. This is my letter:
I'm not a Christian. To tell you the truth, one of my friends sent me a
link to your site as a joke. I read a few things that made me laugh, but the
i read "Somebody loves me" and i stopped laughing. It was quite possibly one
of the sweetest things i have ever read in my life.
It didn't make me want to find jesus or repent, it made me realize
something. By laughing at the other comics i read, i was being as much of a
bigot as anyone else. The little boy in "Somebody Loves Me" needed something
to believe in, and that's what he got. That's what religion is. It's a way of
saying "you are not alone" and no matter what petty differences lie between
the different ways of conveying this simple message, what matters is that
there are people who want to listen.
If you think that the rest of us are wrong, please do not do us any
favors. We know what you believe the consequences of our beliefs are, and you
wouldn't be doing anything by telling us that we're going to a place we don't
believe in. You can't prove your ways are right any more than we can, so
don't worry. We are not alone. We have something to believe in, even if you
don't think that it's there.
Michele McNally
New York, Age 15
Religion: Wiccan
Obviously, listing my religion was a HUGE mistake, because they pretty much ignored everything about my letter except for the word WICCAN on the bottom. Because they wrote me back telling me of how Wicca was one of the more "secret tools of The Beast"
This meant war:
Dear Mr Chick (or the person who answers his mail),
I recently sent you an e-mail making a general comment about your site. I had read the comic strip